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Parking Updates for 2023-2024

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Parking and Transportation continue to evolve services to address the dynamic campus challenges and opportunities. Two significant infrastructure changes are dictating many of these changes. The modifications below are being taken to alleviate parking demand while increasing capacity in these areas for the 2023-2024 academic year.

  • The opening of the new SSW/CONHI building near the central campus relocated additional employee and student parking to this high-demand area of campus.  
  • Phase 2 of the West Campus Residence Hall is scheduled to break ground on the WC parking lot in January 2024. Resident and student commuter parking in this area of campus will be impacted.  Resident parking will be relocated in Spring 2024 to MR, TB, AO, and UV parking lots.
  1. Reserved Zone Pilot Program Expands: To make more employee parking available, the reserved-zone pilot program will continue to be expanded for additional reserved-space parking. Reserved-space permits will continue to be converted to reserved-zone permits for most employee parking lots, including F12, F7, F8, and F9. Additional information can be found here (PDF).
  2. Maverick Garage Reserved Parking: The Maverick Garage reserved space permit will be discontinued, and the Preferred shared-zone permit will be relocated to floors 1-2 to increase the parking capacity in the garage. Monthly preferred parking is available for $109/month, or can be added on to an annual employee permit for $84/month.  Maverick Garage preferred spaces will be reserved from 7am to 4pm instead of 7am-7pm to allow more parking each evening.
  3. Student Upgrade Changes: The LOT 34 Student Upgrade pilot section will be discontinued due to low demand, and the spaces will be reallocated to increase student commuter capacity in this area.  Student Upgrade parking will remain in LOT 36 and LOT 49. Student Upgrade permits are currently restricted to the assigned parking lot from 7am-4pm. This will change from 4pm to 2pm to allow these permit holders access to additional parking options earlier in the day.
  4. Discount Permit Location Changes: Reduced-rate parking will be relocated from LOT 50S to GR and LOT 29 along Greek Row, aiming to reduce demand near the SSW/CONHI building.
  5. Expanded Shuttle Options: An express shuttle bus will be added to service the Reduced-Rate and Remote Park and Ride parking lots, allowing a quick ride from these lots to the heart of campus.
  6. Late-Night Security Escort App Update: The late-night escort service software contract will expire on 9/30/23.  The Tapride app will be replaced with a new app no later than 9/30/23, improving the overall service experience by allowing students to eventually book their pick-up time in advance.
  7. Free Rides on self-driving shuttles: Employees and students can receive free fares on Arlington RAPID, the self-driving shuttles. Started in 2021, this service is the longest-running self-driving mobility program in the country.  The service zone covers the entire UTA campus and Downtown Arlington. Customers can request a free ride in the Via app during normal service hours.
  8. EV Charger Expansion: An additional ChargePoint EV charger was installed on the first floor of the West Campus garage for student commuters and visitors. This brings the total count of EV chargers to 10 ports across campus in the following locations: LOT 26, Maverick Garage, Park Central, and West Campus Garage.  EV owners can use these chargers for a small fee.
  9. Parking Rate Increase: Parking rates will increase to address lasting impacts and service opportunities post-pandemic, including $2 per month for general permits, $0.25 for on-street hourly rates, and $1 for daily max rates.
  10. Parking App: PATS will launch a mobile-enabled website that digitizes the parking maps and allows customers to filter the map locations to match their permit type. It also uses AI to provide real-time and predictive occupancy of 39% of our parking spaces based on the anticipated arrival time.  
  11. Campus Wayfinding & Guidance: Additional parking sensors will be installed in LOT 49, 50, 51, and 52 to provide parkers with real-time occupancy information to find parking easier. Sensors are currently used in all on-street parking, Maverick Garage, West Campus Garage, Lot 14, F11 visitor parking, Retail 39, and Park South visitor spaces.  This information will be uploaded to the Parking App and eventually displayed on on-site wayfinding signs. Additional parking lots will be added throughout 2023 and 2024.
  12. Dual Permits: University Housing residents can purchase a Dual permit to park in all residence hall lots and all student commuter unreserved lots. For 2023-2024, permitholders will be allowed to park in student upgrade sections starting at 2pm and in LOT 38 at all times.
  13. Resident East/The Lofts: The Lofts permit will be co-mingled with Resident East permitholders to make more space in the Park Central garage for daily parkers. Resident East parking in the College Park garages will be adjusted to ensure capacity for all residents.
  14. KC Hall Resident Parking: KC residents will have priority to park in KC North, KC South, and Lot 45 until sold out, while Arlington, Vandergriff, and The Lofts residents will park in the garages. KC resident overflow parking will be in the College Park garages.
  15. Parking Permit Gap Permit: Parking permits traditionally start the Friday before classes begin. This unintentionally caused employees, residents, and students who parked on campus in early August to purchase a "gap" parking permit before their annual permit became active. 2023-2024 permits will become active on August 1, eliminating the need for a gap permit for time on campus before classes start. The only exception is Reserved-Space permits, which will become active on August 19, 2023.

Please note that the provided summary may not include all details or implications of the changes.  For any additional questions, please contact us at

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